Over the past eight years, Canadians have been asked to consult on several different policy changes proposed by the federal government. Some of these consultations may advance policy.In addition, the following Review of grain laws The process and outcome of a sustainable agriculture strategy will be a document of “what we heard” and nothing more.
Then there are Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s climate action initiatives, including the Living Lab Initiative, the On-Farm Climate Action Fund, and the Fertilizer Emissions Reduction Strategy encompassed in the Agriculture Clean Tech Program.
Auditor General of Canada announced a reprimand to the ministry In evaluating the development and implementation of a $1.5 billion program. Notably, the AG said it “found that the Department did not consult with stakeholders (e.g., farmers and industry associations) before setting fertilizer emission reduction targets.”
What would you say to AAFC if you were asked?
Related: AAFC releases “What I heard” document on fertilizer emissions strategy