Growth accumulation is much more advanced than normal in Ontario, so calendar days can be ignored when it comes to weed hunting and initial nitrogen application.
As part of this week’s issue, Wheat Pete’s words, host Peter Johnson discusses the impact of early crop schedules, including answers to questions about spring weed control and nitrogen rates, and identifying glyphosate-tolerant lamb pens in Quebec. Pete also shared some lessons he learned about leadership at his RealAg team’s annual summit last week.
Do you have a question you’d like Wheat Pete to answer or send you your field results? Do you agree with what he said? Do you object? Leave a message at 1-888-746-3311, send a tweet (@wheatpete), or send an email to: (email protected).
- Do you want to be right or do you want to be influential?
- Breathe in slowly.
- The bad news is that there is a farm in Quebec where lambs have been found to be resistant to glyphosate. Please see here for the detail.
- Last week’s rain in Ontario was heavy in some areas.
- Alberta’s peace zone is extremely dry and under fire threat
- Winter rape blossoms bloomed in the deep south yesterday! oh!
- The cumulative growing degree days are well above the average for Ontario. (It means scouting for weeds)
- It also means nitrogen management in wheat is a little more complicated.
- Know the growth stages of wheat for N applications
- When is the risk of denitrification losses highest?
- Lessons learned from Zero-N strips.
- MESZ Strips — also available in 10 lbs.
- Sometimes it’s better to ignore the calendar.
- Nitrogen concentration in feed triticale
- Chickweed and dandelion control in corn
- Fast disk and fertilizer placement
- Happy National Soil Conservation Week!
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