Farms work best when they have the right tools for the job. Having the right financial tools to meet your working capital needs during this growing season will also help your farm succeed.
The Canadian Canola Growers Association’s cash advance program is designed for farmers, giving them flexibility in how they use it and saving money with interest-free or low-interest financing.
interest savings
2024 APP Cash Advance offers loans of up to $1 million. His first $250,000 is interest-free and the rest has below-prime interest rates.
“If a farmer is going to borrow money, the smart decision is to do so at the lowest cost,” said Dave Gallant, CCGA vice president of finance and APP operations.
“With the prime rate now above 7% and loan interest rates above that for most farms, cash advances can save farm businesses $18,000 to $30,000 annually, depending on the size of the advance and the comparative rate. can.”
Designed for farmers
Cash advances give you the flexibility to plan, adapt, prepare for, or respond to the challenges and opportunities that arise during the year. Get this up and running in the most effective way on your farm, including raising spring operating costs, purchasing fuel, fertilizer, and feed, repairing needed equipment, and completing maintenance and upgrades. .
“With financing available for more than 50 products including crops, livestock and honey, cash advances can benefit farms of all types,” Gallant says. “And for young new farmers, it provides easy-to-access financing with minimal collateral requirements.”
Helping farmers succeed
More than 10,000 Western Canadian farmers trust CCGA’s 40 years of experience and rely on APP Cash Advances for financing each year.
CCGA offers service and guidance from a team of experts, online account management, direct deposit, and convenient repayment options.
The team at CCGA makes it easy to apply.New customers can call
1-866-745-2256. Returning customers can apply by phone or online.
Visit CCGA Website You can learn more.