How do corn hybrids respond to foliar fertilization, and what are the potential yield impacts and returns on that investment?
These are questions that PRIDE Seeds agronomist Stephanie Mislik addresses in this episode. Real Agriculture Corn SchoolIn 2023, Myslik conducted trials to evaluate how tissue testing and foliar fertilization affected PRIDE Hybrid A6929G4.
Working with Bryan Stennett of NutriAnalytics, we tested Myslik tissue at three different growth stages (V2, V7, and VT/R1). After each test, we applied foliar fertilizer based on NutriAnalytics’ recommendations. At harvest, we saw a yield increase of 14.9 bu/ac with foliar fertilizer. The return on investment, net of nutrient and fertilizer costs, was a positive $31.67 per acre.
Mislik plans to repeat the trial in 2024, and this year will add fungicides to reduce the impact of foliar diseases such as tar spot, which can have a significant impact on overall yield. The video also provides tips on how to take samples to ensure effective tissue testing and analysis.
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