By Lambert Strether of Corrente
Dear patient readers, this is an open thread as I struggle to finish writing my long overdue article on mask bans. – Lambert
P.S.: But as a conversation starter, I dug into the objections I made yesterday about Waltz’s military record. I asked for a timeline.Here’s one:
Tim Waltz’s “Swiftboating” has begun. What’s the truth? Tasks and objectives. Fun facts:
“Swiftboat” was political shorthand for a 2004 media campaign that attacked Democratic candidate John Kerry’s combat experience as a naval officer serving on river patrol boats (known by their crews as Swiftboats) during the Vietnam War. Run by a group calling itself Swiftboat Veterans for Truth, the campaign was led by Chris LaCivita, who now serves as co-chairman for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.
Of course, I don’t know if there are benefits, but everything old is new again.
Today’s Bird Song
My readers have been very happy with the Mockingbird so I plan to continue drawing it. I am currently on the fourth day of the third week.
Long-tailed Mockingbird, ACP Chapari Chapari Ecolodge, Lambayeque, Peru; “Several birds singing together in a roosting area near the lodge grounds, the ‘epicenter’ of Chapari mockingbirds.”
Contact information for plants: Dear readers, feel free to contact me at lambert(UNDERSCORE)strether(DOT)corrente(AT)yahoo(DOT)com. If you want to know how to send a check if you have allergies to PayPal or how to send a picture of your plant, please contact me. Vegetables are fine. Fungi, lichens and corals are considered honorary plants. If you want your handle credited, put it in parentheses (thus) at the beginning of the email. If not, I will anonymize you using your initials. See my last Water Cooler (with plants) hereFrom Lee:
Lee writes, “A nameless weed sprouts green from a narrow crack in the pavement even as an iron stake is driven through its heart. This weed I will not uproot.”
reader: The water cooler is a separate entity do not have It’s funded by our annual NC fundraiser. If you find a link you especially like or an item you can’t find anywhere else, please feel free to show your appreciation in a tangible way. Remember, the tip jar is for putting tips in. Getting regular positive feedback feels good and lets you know your coverage is moving in the right direction.If we don’t get any donations for three or four days, we get worried. More specifically, small ongoing donations help us save money and we take them into account when setting our fundraising goals.
Here’s the screen you’ll see, annotated for clarity:
If you don’t like PayPal, please email me at lambert (UNDERSCORE) strether (DOT) corrente (AT) yahoo (DOT) com and I’ll show you how to send a check. Thank you!