Dear Reader,
It’s been an invigorating year, but an especially creative one for Naked Capitalism’s songwriting critics: thanks to albrt, Antifa, Britzklieg, Camelotkidd, Caucus99percenter, Cgregory, ChrisFromGA, Daryl, Ewmayer, Flora, HenryMoonPie, Ignacio, JaburaBasaidai, LilD, MarkGisleson, Mrsyk, SteveH, ThirtyOne, and Wukchumni for writing this year’s edition. The Naked Capitalism Songbook, Volume 3These songs are free A gift from the writers to the Naked Capitalism community, and a way for you to give back to the community and the site that gave us this opportunity. The tip jar is conveniently located on the right.
Producing a 242-page songbook, indexing the titles, lyricists, and musicians who influenced the songs, is a lot of work. Like football, bookwork is a game of inches, where consistency and accuracy are paramount. A big thank you to our readers, Antifa, who handled the tabulation, production, and design work, and who unapologetically updated the file with corrections that moderator Katiebird found (“If you can’t find the mistakes, you didn’t proofread enough!”). Thanks also to John Zelnicker, who started the project to continue year after year. You see what I’m getting at here, but their efforts are well worth it. In a tip jar.
Again, the songbook freeWe’re not offering the songbook as a perk to paying subscribers or as a promotional trinket. In fact, that’s the whole point: songwriters freely offer their songs to the community, and the community responds by laughing, singing, and making some more songs. Naked Capitalism then creates a songbook from their gifts, and the community’s work is given back to the community in a virtuous cycle. So you can send this community’s work to your friends, family, and colleagues, especially fans of pop music and people with a sarcastic sense of humor.
But we hope that those who planned to donate but haven’t yet will take Songbok as a reminder of the generous donations that have been made on Naked Capitalism’s posts and in the comments section. If you haven’t donated yet, we urge you to take a quick detour. Tip Jar Donate to support this community: Whether you give $5, $50 or $5,000, your donation will help keep us alive and well.
here it is!
P.S. Last year’s songbook was here.