The 26-minute short documentary recently aired on PBS stations in Chicago and Northwest Indiana and will also be screened at film festivals in Michigan, Pennsylvania and New York.
Praise continues to pour in for “Relighting the Flame,” a documentary that tells the story of factory workers rebuilding the steel industry in America’s industrial heartland.
The 26-minute short film, directed by award-winning filmmaker Carl Kris, will be screened on Saturday, September 20th and Sunday, September 21st. Grand Rapids Film Festival The film will be shown in Grand Rapids, Michigan on October 11th. Reading Film Festivaland also, Workers Unite! Film Festival The film will be screened in New York City. Specific screening dates and times have not been announced as of press time.
The film was accepted into the festival after several screenings in late August and early September. Lakeshore Public Mediais a PBS affiliate serving the greater Chicago metropolitan area, including northwest Indiana, where “Relighting the Flame” is set.
“Relighting the Flame” follows several employees of the Cleveland-Cliffs steel company as they discuss their role in helping revive the steel industry in American states, including Indiana and Ohio. Many of the people featured in the film are also members of the United Steelworkers union.
If you can’t go to a film festival and watch a film on the big screen, Watch for free on YouTube.