2024 was a good year for Maker Faires. Expanded Maker Faire Bay Area More than 1,500 manufacturers and sponsors participated, presenting approximately 400 exhibits, attractions, and hands-on activities. Additionally, we debuted an all-new darkroom with the following features: Penrose tile wall that expands your mind.
in Maker Faire Romewe saw generators made from roof vents, robots, tactile gloves, other robots, textile art, a redesigned speculum, and more.
we traveled to manufacturer fair shenzhen More than 120 booths showcased AI plush toys, classic game controllers, and the latest products from leading hardware companies.
Maker Faire Miami We featured the work of more than 130 creators, including guests from Tested and Microsoft, as well as award-winning cosplay.
Who knows what great Maker Faires will be held in 2025? There is a way to find out.