Concerns about the downturn in key industries could spur Congress to take action.
Will 2025 be the year that U.S. shipbuilding re-emerges?
Maybe so. Spurred by supply chain disruptions caused by COVID-19, the rise of China as a formidable naval rival, and a petition to the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative that drew attention to the slumping maritime manufacturing industry, both sides will The number of MPs participating has increased. It is interested in helping rebuild the country’s capacity to manufacture and maintain large ocean-going vessels. This type of industry is important not only for commerce but also for naval construction and maintenance. And the once-powerful United States has shrunk since the federal government withdrew support for commercial shipbuilding in the 1980s. America’s shipbuilding priorities have changed, with production now dominated by defense spending.
So we build warships, and that’s also a problem. There is clear overlap between the commercial and naval sectors, including resilience, know-how, and a ready workforce, and the decline of the former has hurt warship production. Our country’s lack of boat manufacturing capacity is the fundamental problem here.
But righting this ship (just kidding) is easier said than done.
“One of the most difficult things to do in this country is rebuild heavy industry,” said a retired U.S. Coast Guard rear admiral who served as a consultant in this area. wall street journal while on vacation. Still, successive governments have called attention to the issue. At the end of his first term, Trump called: Rapid increase At the naval shipyard. The Biden administration has encouraged allies such as: South Korea and Japan Invest in America’s maritime industry. As mentioned above, the United Steelworkers union has launched a petition asking the Biden administration’s USTR to investigate whether the policies and support China is now lavishing on its huge commercial shipbuilding industry are meeting U.S. demands. Trump took the lead (a summary report is expected to be released before the president takes office).
And now there’s bipartisan legislation on Capitol Hill to do something about the shipbuilding issue. Introduced by Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ), Senator Todd Young (R-IN), and Congressman John Garamendi (D-CA) and Trent Kelly (R-MI). . Ship lawAs explained in journal“We want comparable resources and White House-level involvement in policy on energy, semiconductors, and aviation.” Mr. Trump’s choice for Secretary of the Navy has not been well-received, but he has been appointed as National Security Adviser. Rep. Mike Walz (R-Florida), who was elected to the House of Representatives, was involved in the early drafting of the bill. This gives hope that support may also be obtained from the next government.
I hope so. The SHIPS method is endorsed by the American Manufacturing Alliance. We will be watching closely to see if this focus on shipbuilding generates any legislative action.