Revolut, a global neobank with over 50 million users, has introduced a robo-advisor service in Singapore.
This new feature automates investing in: Revolute We meet the needs of our clients by creating and managing diverse portfolios tailored to their individual needs, financial goals, and risk tolerance.
Robo-advisors require a minimum investment of $100 and charge a monthly annual portfolio management fee of 0.75% of the portfolio value.
Users who purchase a robo-advisor portfolio before March 31, 2025 will not be charged management fees until April 30, 2025.
Revolut’s robo-advisor reportedly automatically rebalances portfolios based on market performance and conducts regular reviews to ensure alignment with customers’ risk tolerance and target allocation.
Customers can set up recurring transfers from as little as $10 and take advantage of the ’round up change’ feature, which automatically invests the difference between rounded up purchases on their Revolut debit card.
This feature allows users to seamlessly incorporate investments into their daily spending habits.
The launch follows Revolut’s introduction of flexible accounts in Singapore last year, offering customers another way to invest and manage their finances.
Flexible Accounts allow customers to earn interest on their deposits, which are invested in U.S. dollar-denominated money market funds managed by Fidelity International.
Raymond Ng, Chief Executive Officer of Revolut Singapore said:
“We are excited to add robo-advisors to our existing asset and trading product suite. We know that many of our customers do not have the time to manage a portfolio or invest in individual securities. Masu.
Built to make investing more accessible, we want to provide you with tailored, stress-free solutions so you can make your money work for you. We are currently actively working to expand the range of investment opportunities available through robo-advisors and integrate more financial planning tools. ”
Featured image credit: Edited from freepic