We’re lucky to have new donors step up to help accelerate this fundraising effort, so if you haven’t had time to donate yet, take advantage of our “Double Your Donation” challenge.
The challenge for backers of this fundraiser is to match the next 50 donations of $100 (and multiples of $100, $300, etc.) up to his total. To make this epic offer a glorious success, Go to the donation page now!
Readers have sent messages of support. Jack L. wrote:
Every morning I pore over Naked Capitalism for its original analysis that is essential to understanding what is happening in the world and the declining US empire. I appreciate the variety of information resources found in the daily “links” and the convenience of finding many sources of information in one place. I also appreciate the intelligent and humorous comments by Naked Capitalism subscribers, without the personal abuse that is so prevalent on other websites. I appreciate the moderation. I often forward links or copies of articles to friends to provide them with an alternative perspective.
I also want to personally thank you for the article you wrote about the potential demise scenario of Project Ukraine and for sharing your personal knowledge of global finance. I really appreciate it.
And Reify99
While most of my friends (and family) continue to gaslight themselves on a pretty wide range of topics, “Naked Capitalism” has reinforced my belief in the “Sanity Clause.”
Critical thinking, if we allow it, reveals shifts that suggest the truth lies somewhere other than where it is loudly proclaimed. That is what Naked Capitalism proposes.
It’s very valuable.
And Janice M:
There is so much to learn and share widely that many of us have more time and effort to expend in our day-to-day survival. Your efforts remind me of what I need to be grateful for, careful about, and protect. It’s exhausting for me, but I’m so grateful that you’re all working so hard to keep us informed and relatively sane. And I love the commentators too. I wish you were my neighbors and we could chat.
You can contribute Pay here by check, debit card, credit card or PayPalIf you’d like to donate by check (checks are recommended!), please email us at yves@nakedcapitalism.com with “2024 Challenge” in the subject line.
We are grateful for the generosity of our benefactors and hope that our readers will respond in kind.
If $100 isn’t for you, don’t let that stop you. Make a donation. Every donation helps us reach our goal. And another important way you can help is by telling others about our work, either directly to your friends, family and colleagues, or through social media such as Facebook and Twitter. So we hope you’ll join him in his fundraising challenge in any way you can.