of Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA) is free program This allows creators to prove that their hardware is compliant. Community-defined open source hardware. The certification logo indicates that certified hardware meets this standard.
the current, Authentication database Over 2910 individual certifications listed. In November, we added 19 new certifications, ranging from microcontrollers to neuroscience research. I was happy to see all the certifications in between, new and recurring names. Here are three certifications we think you should check out today.
pit master
UID US002669
It may be getting colder in Canada (especially where I live), but if you’re a true barbecue lover, you can enjoy barbecue in any season. This results in pit master Ideal not only for me, but also for anyone looking for the perfect way to combine delicious smoked meat with open source. This food thermometer can be made for the unbeatable price of $34.92 and will help you track your brisket from dusk to dawn until you have a juicy, party-ready brisket.
web screen
UID US002702
This great little display is shaped like a friend and provides the ideal setup for tracking notifications, reminders, prompts, and more. As a secondary display web screen is ideal for any streamer, or even those of us with less glamorous lives who spend all day in meetings. This design allows it to sit on top of your main monitor, or to the side if you prefer, and provides all the updates you need without having to click through to other pages.
spy! break! injection!
UID UK000068
we love to see it Occupational Safety and Health Park When purple appears, this lovely production board by Mike Coats is a welcome addition! spy! break! injection! is a great way to experiment with all kinds of configurations. This 4-wire board has space to implement all four jumpers, use test points to observe signals, and connect to a microcontroller to create and modify proxies. There are a lot of ways to experiment with this, and I think that’s really cool.
Stay up-to-date on all the latest certifications by following Certification Bot. mastodon or Submit your project It will be certified today.